Conservative Action Project

Letter to Congressional Leaders

The Honorable Mike JohnsonSpeakerUnited States House of RepresentativesH-232, The Capitol The Honorable Mitch McConnellRepublican LeaderUnited States SenateS-230, The Capitol June 11, 2024Washington, D.C. Dear House and Senate Republican Leadership, For the first time in our history, the American justice system was successfully weaponized to convict the Republican presidential nominee on multiple phony felonies with the […]

Conservatives Urge The House To Avoid A Lame Duck Omnibus

May 8, 2024Washington, D.C. Conservatives urge the House majority to maximize their leverage in the Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations process, which is already underway. The fiscal year ends on September 30, 2024. Rather than setting up the possibility of a shutdown at the end of the year, the House should pre-emptively pass a short-term Continuing […]

Conservatives Strongly Support Requiring the FBI to Get A Warrant Before Spying on Americans

April 10, 2024Washington, D.C. Conservatives strongly support requiring the federal government to obtain a warrant prior to conducting queries of American citizens whose information has been collected through Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The addition of this requirement is a vitally important and necessary step toward rectifying the rampant and widespread […]

Conservatives Urge Repeal of Unjust and Unconstitutional FACE Act

February 12, 2024Washington, D.C. Conservatives stand united against the unjust and illegal, selective prosecution of conservatives under the unconstitutional Federal Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act). The 1994 federal criminal law, signed by President Clinton, has been consistently abused under the Biden Administration to intimidate, harass, and punish its political opponents. The FACE Act […]

Conservatives Oppose The McConnell-Lankford-Schumer Border Deal

January 30, 2024Washington, D.C. Conservatives are united on a singular fact: President Biden could secure the border if he simply enforced the laws on the books. With that in mind, we are opposed to any border proposal that does not, above all else, impose policies that will dramatically reduce the flow of illegal immigration, ensure […]

Conservatives Oppose The Johnson-Schumer Spending Deal

January 17, 2024Washington, D.C. Conservatives oppose the spending deal negotiated between House Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, including the plan to pass yet another short-term Continuing Resolution. The country’s debt has topped $34 trillion. Rather than forcing the necessary funding cuts and defunding the tyranny inflicted on Americans from the Biden […]

Conservatives Stand With Sen. Tommy Tuberville And Oppose The Senate’s Rules Change

November 14, 2023Washington, D.C. Conservatives are proud to stand behind Sen. Tommy Tuberville in his fight to protect the lives of the unborn. For months, Sen. Tuberville has stood fearlessly and alone in protest of an illegal policy implemented by the Department of Defense (DOD) to pay for service member travel in order to obtain […]

Congress Should Immediately Pass Standalone Assistance to Israel

November 2, 2023Washington, D.C. Conservatives applaud the quick and decisive leadership of Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and support the passage of the Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act. This bill not only provides aid to one of our greatest allies in need but does so in a fiscally responsible manner, offsetting the cost of […]

Conservatives Call on House Republicans to Open an Impeachment Inquiry Against President Biden Immediately Upon Return from August Recess – and Further Call on Senate Republicans to Stop Turning a Blind Eye to the House Investigations and Findings

August 16, 2023Washington, D.C. Recent revelations from the House Committee on the Judiciary, the House Committee on Ways and Means, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, and the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government have established without question that Joe Biden has been engaged in criminal misconduct for decades, and that he […]

Conservatives Oppose Confirmation of General Charles Q. Brown

July 12, 2023 Washington, D.C. Signatures updated: 7/19/23 The conservative movement opposes the confirmation of General CQ Brown, Jr. as the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – the nation’s highest-ranking military officer. Gen. Brown’s track record at the Air Force and his zealous commitment to race-based hiring metrics would jeopardize the unity, […]

Congress Should Defund the Unconstitutional Biden Executive Order 14019 That Uses Federal Agencies and Tax Dollars for Political Campaign Activities

June 13, 2023Washington, DCSignatures updated: 6/22/23 Conservatives call on Congress to include language in the FY 2024 appropriations bills that prohibits the use of any federal dollars, personnel, or resources from being used to implement Executive Order 14019, or for any purposes related to programs, activities, and projects pursuant to that Executive Order. On March […]

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