Thank You President Trump

January 13, 2020 Washington, DC Dear President Trump, On behalf of the conservative movement, we would like to thank you for the accomplishments your administration has achieved on behalf of the American people. From a booming economy, to stronger protections at the border, to implementing strong protections for the unborn, to nominating constitutionalist judges to […]
UPDATE: Conservatives Stand With President Trump: Build the Wall

December 13, 2018 Washington, DC Signatures updated 1/17/2019 The conservative movement stands with President Trump in his demand that Congress provide $5 billion in unrestricted funding for a wall at the southern border. American sovereignty and national security are at risk the longer Congress delays in addressing the crisis at the border. President Trump has […]
President Trump Must Push Congress: Vote on the Wall

December 19, 2018 Washington, DC With just a few days left of unified Republican government, President Trump must insist that Congress not adjourn for the year without voting to fund his border wall. Many Members of Congress campaigned on a platform of strong border security and immigration reform, but have yet to fulfill—or even to […]
Conservatives Stand With President Trump: Build the Wall

December 13, 2018 Washington, DC The conservative movement stands with President Trump in his demand that Congress provide $5 billion in unrestricted funding for a wall at the southern border. American sovereignty and national security are at risk the longer Congress delays in addressing the crisis at the border. President Trump has used all of […]
Make Congress Work Again

April 27, 2018 Washington, DC Signatures updated: 4/30/18 After Congress passed, and the president signed, a $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill, President Trump made a very clear statement. “I will never sign another bill like this again. I’m not going to do it again. Nobody read it. It’s only hours old.” Trump’s statement is reflective […]
Conservatives Agree with President Trump: “Never Again” Should Congress Pass an Omnibus Boondoggle, and “Never Again” Should He Sign One

April 9, 2018 Washington, D.C. Congress recently passed, and the President signed, a $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill that gives Democrats everything they want while violating key conservative principles on both policy and process. By relinquishing control of the process to Democrats, the Republican leadership allowed many provisions in the bill to stand out as […]
President Trump, Not Federal Judges or Obama Holdovers, Should Determine Policies Re: Transgenders in the Military

February 14, 2018 Washington, DC Signatures updated 2-20-18 On August 25, 2017, President Trump issued a Memorandum providing formal guidance on policies regarding transgenders in the military. [i] The memo directed the Secretaries of Defense and Homeland Security (representing the Coast Guard) to: a) Return to the longstanding policy and practice on military service by transgender […]
Conservatives Support the Rule of Law and Oppose Amnesty*

February 2, 2018 Washington, D.C. Conservatives are united in the belief that the rule of law must be enforced and respected. When it comes to illegal immigration, rewarding those who break our laws encourages more illegal behavior and flies in the face of Constitutional government. It is unfair to those who wait for years to […]
Restoring America’s Military Strength: Military Readiness or Transgender Politics

Conservative leaders strongly support the principle of peace through strength and therefore the need for immediate action to return the priority of the Department of Defense to restoring America’s military readiness and ending costly and distracting social engineering. President Trump has mandated that his Administration restore the strength of our military. We, and most […]