The Trump Administration Should Halt Tax Breaks for Abortions

July 20, 2020 Washington, DC Conservatives call on President Trump to direct the Department of Treasury to issue new regulations to clarify that abortions (except when the mother’s life is physically endangered) cannot constitute medical care under §213(d) of the Internal Revenue Code (the Code). By extension, the IRS should stop considering premiums for medical […]
The Trump Administration Must Continue to Protect Life

March 23, 2020 Washington, DC Signatures updated: 3/24/2020 As the country grapples with the coronavirus crisis, it is critical that the Trump administration maintain its commitment to protecting life at all stages. This is especially true when it comes to attempts by the Left to take advantage of this vulnerable moment for Americans to push […]
Congress Must Repeal Obamacare and Protect Life

March 16, 2018 Washington, D.C. Signatures updated 3/20/18 As Congress considers the upcoming omnibus spending bill, we oppose any bailout of Obamacare if that funding is used for plans that include elective abortion. For almost a decade, Republicans have promised to repeal Obamacare. A stabilization fund, like the proposal by Senators Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Murray […]