Conservative Action Project

No Taxes for Hush Money

January 18, 2018 Signatures updated 1/19/18 Washington, D.C. The recent revelation of a Congressional “hush fund” that paid settlements to victims of sexual harassment by Members of Congress and their staffs is shocking, offensive and profoundly wrong. At least nine public polls taken in November and December confirm that the American public is revulsed, not […]

House Leadership, Pass H.R. 4494, the Congressional Accountability and Hush Fund Elimination Act

The Honorable Paul Ryan Speaker, U.S House of Representatives 1233 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable Kevin McCarthy Majority Leader, U.S House of Representatives 2421 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Dear Speaker Ryan and Majority Leader McCarthy, The recent revelation of a Congressional “hush fund” that paid settlements to victims […]