Conservative Action Project

Impeachment of President Trump is Unconstitutional, Political Theater

February 5, 2021 Washington, DC Conservatives are emphatically opposed to the second impeachment of former President Donald Trump. Such impeachment is absolutely unconstitutional. The Constitution’s impeachment clause is unambiguous and applies only to the President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States. Nowhere does the Constitution provide for impeachment of non-office holders, […]

Conservatives Call on State Legislators to Appoint New Electors, in Accordance with the Constitution

December 10, 2020 Washington, DC Signatures updated: 12/14/20 The evidence overwhelmingly shows officials in key battleground states—as the result of a coordinated pressure campaign by Democrats and allied groups—violated the Constitution, state and federal law in changing mail-in voting rules that resulted in unlawful and invalid certifications of Biden victories. There is no doubt President […]

Conservatives Denounce Attempts to Impeach President Trump

October 7, 2019 Washington, D.C. Conservatives denounce efforts by congressional Democrats to abuse the impeachment process for blatantly political ends. Under the Constitution, impeachment is a remedy to address the grave offenses of “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” This is a very high threshold—and one that the allegations presented by the Democrats […]

The President Must Continue to Prioritize American Sovereignty

American Flag

November 6, 2017 Washington, DC Signatures updated 11/7/17 In a world of continuing and multifaceted threats, strong action from the executive is necessary to protect America’s national security interests and keep her citizens safe. We applaud President Trump’s recent speech to the United Nations as a much-needed declaration of America’s sovereignty and a tribute to […]

The Senate Needs to Confirm President Trump’s Nominees

October 10, 2017 Washington, DC Signatures updated: 10/19/17 As President Trump approaches the end of his first year in office, his ability to implement his agenda across the executive branch has been hindered by the Senate’s failure to confirm his nominations. Under unified government, President Trump has still faced a slower pace of confirmations than […]

The President Can and Should Lead on Obamacare

August 11, 2017 Washington, DC   The continuing lack of leadership on repealing Obamacare makes Presidential action critical and timely. The President has the authority to move the process of repeal forward and show that he aims to keep his word. To that end, we recommend he immediately take the following steps. Take direct action […]

“We Support Jeff Sessions”

July 28, 2017 Signatures updated: 7/31/17 Washington, DC   We support Attorney General Jeff Sessions and believe he is the right man, and the best man, to lead the Justice Department at this time. Senator and now Attorney General Jeff Sessions has been a loyal, highly visible, and early supporter of President Trump and his […]