Conservative Action Project

Conservatives Remind Congress – Repeal Obamacare Now

June 20, 2018 Washington, DC Signatures updated: 6/28/18 For nearly a decade, Democrats in Congress have successfully blocked every effort by Republicans to keep the promise they made to voters of fully repealing Obamacare. Meanwhile, the law continues to hurt Americans in countless ways across the country. Average premiums for individual health insurance have risen […]

Congress Must Prioritize Responsible Spending in Year-End Deals

November 20, 2017 Washington, D.C. Signatures updated: 11/21/17 For years, conservatives have been sounding the alarm on growing debt and deficits. A red tidal wave of debt threatens the health of the economy, business creation, the ability of families to create wealth. In doing so, exploding debt threatens no less than the American dream. When […]

The President Can and Should Lead on Obamacare

August 11, 2017 Washington, DC   The continuing lack of leadership on repealing Obamacare makes Presidential action critical and timely. The President has the authority to move the process of repeal forward and show that he aims to keep his word. To that end, we recommend he immediately take the following steps. Take direct action […]