Conservatives Oppose H.R. 1, the Ultimate Fantasy of the Left

February 10, 2021Washington, DC Conservatives are united in opposing H.R. 1, the attempt by House and Senate Democrats to fundamentally undermine the American electoral system. We further oppose any effort to modify budget reconciliation rules to pass this legislation. While they cloak the bill in terms of “restoring democracy” and “preventing corruption,” the legislation has […]
Conservatives Oppose H.R. 1, the Ultimate Fantasy of the Left

January 28, 2019 Washington, DC Signatures updated 2/4/19 Conservatives are united in opposing H.R. 1, the attempt by House Democrats to fundamentally undermine the American electoral system. While they cloak the bill in terms of “restoring democracy” and “preventing corruption,” the legislation has one goal: to protect incumbents, at the expense of the First Amendment, […]
Congress Should Enact DHS and DOD Funding Bills Before the Election

August 28, 2018 Washington, DC Signatures updated: 8/29/18 For too long, Republican spending bills have missed key opportunities to implement President Trump’s agenda on policy, but also on spending. Many of the House and Senate spending bills have spent at levels well above what the president requested, and deliberately funded priorities that the president sought […]