Conservatives Oppose a National Public Health Surveillance System

April 23, 2020 Washington, DC Signatures updated: 4/24/20 As Americans shelter-in-place to avoid the spread of COVID19, disturbing examples have emerged of leaders at the state and local levels taking this “shelter-in-place” to the extreme. From issuing citations to individuals for driving alone in cars or surfing alone on the beach, to ticketing Americans who […]
Letter to Attorney General Barr

April 17, 2020 The Honorable William P. Barr Attorney General of the United States 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20530 Dear Attorney General Barr, During these troubled times, we want to thank you for your consistent stance to protect constitutional freedoms of the American people. Thank you, in particular, for focusing the Department of […]
Public Health Measures Must Still Protect Constitutional Rights of Americans

March 24, 2020 Washington, DC Conservatives are troubled by reports that the Department of Justice is seeking additional authorities during the coronavirus pandemic, including the right to detain individuals without trial. The public health crisis facing the country is unprecedented, and a whole of government approach is underway. However, using this crisis as a justification […]