March 7, 2025
Washington, D.C.
Conservatives support President Trump’s efforts to streamline and rebuild a federal government that works for the American people. As the March 14 funding deadline approaches, we support President Trump in his efforts to pass a Continuing Resolution to September 30th and urge all conservatives in Congress to do the same.
The opening days of the Trump administration have resulted in more efforts to cut wasteful spending and restrain an unfettered bureaucracy than many of us have seen in our lifetimes. It is critical that any funding deal not limit the ability of President Trump to continue this work.
As a group of conservative Senators and Representatives recently noted, “Rather than negotiating in good faith to find a solution that keeps the government open, we understand that Democrats are insisting that any government funding deal include policy provisions that would tie the hands of the President and prohibit DOGE from continuing their efforts to promote transparency and accountability in government spending.”
We echo these Members of Congress in calling for a deal that keeps the government focused on President Trump’s priorities of transparency, accountability, and on activities that actually work for the American people. The intransigence of Democrats has made clear that a clean Continuing Resolution to the end of the fiscal year – with only the necessary anomalies to support conservative priorities – is the clearest path toward that goal. We urge all conservatives to support the President in these efforts.
The Honorable Edwin Meese III Attorney General President Ronald Reagan (1985-1988) |
The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell Chairman, Conservative Action Project Chairman, CNP Action, Inc. |
The Honorable Bob McEwen U.S. House of Representatives Former Member, Ohio |
The Honorable Jim DeMint Chairman, Conservative Partnership Institute Member, US Senate (SC 2005-2013) |
The Honorable David McIntosh President Club for Growth |
Ed Corrigan Vice Chairman, Conservative Action Project President & CEO, Conservative Partnership Institute |
Penny Y. Nance President & CEO Concerned Women for America |
David N. Bossie President Citizens United |
Jenny Beth Martin Chairman Tea Party Patriots Citizen Fund |
Star Parker Founder CURE Syndicated Columnist |
Marty Dannenfelser Vice President for Government Relations and Coalitions Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) |
Rebecca Weber CEO Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) |
Eric Teetsel Chief Executive Officer Center for Renewing America |
Cleta Mitchell, Esq. Senior Legal Fellow Conservative Partnership Institute |
Chad Connelly Founder and President Faith Wins |
Thomas E. McClusky Principal Greenlight Strategies, LLC |
Myron Ebell Chairman American Lands Council |
William L. Walton Resolute Protector Foundation Vice Chairman, CPAC |
The Honorable T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr. Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs President Ronald Reagan |
Scott T. Parkinson Vice President for Government Affairs Club for Growth |
Kelly J. Shackelford, Esq. President, CEO & Chief Counsel First Liberty Institute |
Bob Carlstrom The Carlstrom Group |
Alfred S. Regnery President Republic Book Publishers |
Lori Roman President ACRU Action Fund |
The Honorable Becky Norton Dunlop White House Advisor President Ronald Reagan (1981-1985) |
Thomas H. Jones Founder American Accountability Foundation |
Noah Wall President & Founder State Leadership Initiative |
Terry Schilling President American Principles Project |
Andrew Roth President State Freedom Caucus Network |
Wesley Denton Chief Operating Officer Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI) |
The Honorable Morton C. Blackwell President The Leadership Institute |
The Honorable James C. Miller III Budget Director for President Reagan |
Walker Wildmon CEO AFA Action |
Daniel Perrin Founder HSA Coalition |
Karen England President Capitol Resource Institute |
Kelly Kullberg General Secretary American Association of Evangelicals (AAE) |
John Stemberger President Liberty Counsel Action |
Jack Park Conservative Activist and Donor |
E. Paul Bigham CEO Bigham Academy Inc. |
David Kullberg President Christians for A Sound Economy (CASE) |
The Honorable Louis Terhar Former Ohio State Senator CNP Board of Governors |
Kevin Freeman Founder NSIC Institute |
Craig DeRoche CEO Family Policy Alliance |
Michael Lunsford Executive Director Citizens for a New Louisiana |
Kristen A. Ullman President Eagle Forum |
The Honorable George K. Rasley, Jr. Managing Editor |
The Honorable Richard Hayes State Representative State of Texas |
Mark Fitzgibbons President of Corporate Affairs American Target Advertising |
Allen Hebert | Amy Kremer Chairwoman Women for America First |
Anne Schlafly Chairman Eagle Forum |
The Honorable Peter J. Thomas Chairman The Conservative Caucus |
C. Preston Noell III President Tradition, Family, Property, Inc. |
William W. Pascoe, III Our Man in Washington Tea Party Patriots Action |
Dr. Paige Patterson President Sandy Creek Foundation |
Thomas Pyle President American Energy Alliance |
Ambassador Henry F. Cooper Defense and Space Negotiator (Pres. Reagan) SDI Director (Pres. George H.W. Bush) |
Saulius “Saul” Anuzis President 60 Plus Association |
James L. Martin Founder/Chairman 60 Plus Association |
Tom DeWeese President American Policy Center |
Dr. Demaris H. Miller Retired Psychologist |
The Honorable Mike Hill Former Member FL State House |
Dr. Eric M. Wallace President Freedoms Journal Institute |
Kielle C. Lindsey President The Lindsey Foundation |
Joan Holt Lindsey President Lindsey Communications |
Randy M. Long Founder |
Elaine Donnelly President Center for Military Readiness |
Kathleen Patten President and CEO American Target Advertising |
Floyd Brown President American Media Council |
Ron Pearson President Pearson & Pipkin, Inc. |
The Honorable Tim Huelskamp, Ph.D. Former Congressman State of Kansas |
Grover Glenn Norquist President Americans for Tax Reform |
Brigitte Gabriel Founder and Chairman Act For America |
Rod Vandenbos CEO V&A |
Kay R. Daly President Coalition for a Fair Judiciary |
William Shaker CEO Washington Marketing Group |
Paavo Ensio Chairman Universal Minerals Group |
Jerry A. Johnson, PhD President (2013-2019) National Religious Broadcasters |
Robert K. Fischer President Protecting South Dakota Kids |
Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D. Founder and CEO |
Shea Bradley-Farrell, Ph.D. President Counterpoint Institute for Policy, Research & Education |
Sean Noble President American Encore |
Gerard Kassar State Chairman NYS Conservative Party |
Tim LeFever Chairman Capitol Resource Institute |
Richard Manning President Americans for Limited Government |
Penna Dexter Co-host Point of View Radio |
Sandy Rios Senior Policy Advisor AFA |
Ashley Baker Executive Director Committee for Justice |
Bishop E.W. Jackson, Sr. Founder and President STAND Foundation, Inc. |
The Honorable Gary L. Bauer President American Values |
All organizations listed for IDENTIFICATION purposes only.