Conservative Action Project

Conservatives Oppose Biden’s “30 X 30” Federal Land Grab

August 31, 2022Washington, DC President Joe Biden’s “30 X 30” initiative threatens to be the biggest federal land grab since Congress passed the Endangered Species Act in 1973. Executive Order 14008 on “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad,” signed by President Biden on 27th January 2021, directs the Secretary of the Interior in […]

Garland and Wray Must Be Impeached

August 11, 2022 Washington, D.C. The recent efforts of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to raid the home of a former president and seize the cell phone of a sitting Congressman Scott Perry (R-Penn.) have undermined the rule of law in America. In overseeing these actions, U.S. Attorney General […]

Conservatives Must Reject the So-Called “Respect for Marriage Act”

July 26, 2022Washington, DC The inaptly-named Respect for Marriage Act seeks to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 (DOMA) and codify the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) to legalize same-sex marriage. Such a troublesome policy pronouncement by Congress in favor of same-sex marriage would not only legislate a harmful, […]

2022 Gun Control Deal – It’s not too late to stop a bad deal

June 16, 2022Washington, DC This past Sunday, conservatives learned that ten Senate Republicans have agreed to a large scale gun control package with some of the Senate’s most radical Democrats. The announced framework includes egregious provisions which are all-but-guaranteed to result in widespread violations of Americans’ constitutional rights. In progressive-led states, these provisions could result […]

Conservatives Applaud Justice Alito and The Supreme Court’s Work on Roe v Wade

May 11, 2022Washington, DC Despite the unprecedented and egregious nature of the recent leak from the Supreme Court, the conservative movement is thrilled with the superb legal reasoning and analysis presented by Justice Samuel Alito in his draft opinion striking down Roe v Wade. While we acknowledge the draft nature of the opinion, we are tremendously […]

Congressional Attempts To Take on China Fall Flat

March 31, 2022 Washington, DC Conservatives strongly support the need to confront the Chinese Communist Party and hold it accountable for aggression against American allies and friends in the Indo-Pacific, its theft of intellectual property, human rights violations, and COVID-19 coverup. Instead of crafting sensible legislation designed to address these threats, however, Congress is currently […]

Conservatives to McConnell: Hold a firmer line on confirming any more of Biden’s nominees

March 16, 2022 The Honorable Mitch McConnell Senate Minority Leader United States Senate S-230 U.S. Capitol Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Leader McConnell: Conservatives are increasingly concerned with the Senate Republican conference regularly voting to confirm President Biden’s executive nominees. Other than a few notable exceptions, the conference is not using all the tools at its […]

Conservatives Applaud Sen. Rick Scott’s Plan To Rescue America

March 11, 2022 Washington, DC Conservatives applaud Sen. Rick Scott for putting forward his broad and comprehensive policy agenda, “An 11-Point Plan to Rescue America.” Politicians should tell voters what they are for, what they plan to do, and then they have to do it. This is the clarity – and the accountability – that […]

Don’t Use Ukraine to Justify a Bad Spending Bill

March 4, 2022 Washington, DC Members of Congress will soon vote on two forthcoming funding bills: an omnibus spending bill and a supplemental spending bill for Ukraine. Conservatives urge congressional Republicans to prioritize key policies, and to let these two spending bills stand alone, rather than as one single vote. Congressional Republicans must ensure that […]

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