Conservative Action Project

January 28, 2019
Washington, DC
Signatures updated 2/4/19

Conservatives are united in opposing H.R. 1, the attempt by House Democrats to fundamentally undermine the American electoral system.

While they cloak the bill in terms of “restoring democracy” and “preventing corruption,” the legislation has one goal: to protect incumbents, at the expense of the First Amendment, federalism, and individual voter integrity.

H.R. 1 undermines the First Amendment. H.R. 1 undoes key Supreme Court cases that protect elections as fundamental to free speech. It would allow the Federal Election Commission to track and catalogue more of what Americans are saying, register even very small political donations, and make public those who donate to different charitable and nonprofit organizations. The legislation will subject private citizens to intimidation and harassment for their private and political beliefs, far broader than what was done in the IRS targeting scandal in 2013.

H.R. 1 yanks election authority away from the states. H.R. 1 reasserts the ability of the federal government to micromanage state elections through a process known as “preclearance.” Preclearance, which was previously overturned by the Supreme Court, requires states to get permission from the federal government for changes as small as modifying the hours of an election office, or moving a voting location from a school gym to the library. Critically, none of these practices would undo any fraud or corruption. Rather, these same practices result in incorrect registrations and inaccurate voter data, while failing to address actual corrupt practices like ballot harvesting. Moreover, they are all designed to eliminate the federalism that keeps elections transparent, local, and fair.

H.R. 1 attacks individual voter integrity. America was founded on the principle of “one person, one vote.” H.R. 1 turns this on its head by weaponizing every aspect of the political regulatory system. The Federal Election Commission, which is currently a neutral body, would be given a 3-2 makeup, guaranteeing a partisan outcome with little accountability toward the actual votes which are cast. H.R. 1 also includes a 600 percent government match for political donations, and authorizes even more public dollars to campaigns. The bill also wants to make Election Day a new paid holiday for government workers, with additional paid vacation given to bureaucrats to oversee the polls. All of these changes are designed to distance the outcome of the election from those casting their votes.

H.R. 1 would also implement the following changes:

• Forces states to implement mandatory voter registration, removing civic participation as a voluntary choice, and increasing chances for error.
• Mandates that states allow all felons to vote.
• Forces states to extend periods of early voting, which has shown to have no effect on turnout.
• Mandates same-day voter registration, which encourages voter fraud.
• Limits the ability of states to cooperate to see who is registered in multiple states at the same time.
• Prohibits election observers from cooperating with election officials to file formal challenges to suspicious voter registrations.
• Criminalizes protected political speech by making it a crime to “discourage” someone from voting
• Bars states from making their own laws about voting by mail.
• Prohibits chief election officials in each state from participating in federal election campaigns.
• Mandates free mailing of absentee ballots.
• Mandates that states adopt new redistricting commissions.

H.R. 1 would cause sweeping and irrevocable damage to the free speech, privacy, and integrity that are central components to free and fair elections in America. We oppose H.R. 1 in the strongest terms, and urge all conservatives to do likewise.

The Honorable Edwin Meese III
Attorney General
President Ronald Reagan (1985-1988)
Alfred S. Regnery
Chairman, Conservative Action Project
Chairman, Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund
Adam Brandon
Marjorie Dannenfelser
Susan B. Anthony List
The Honorable Colin A. Hanna
Let Freedom Ring, Inc.
Diana Banister
President and Partner
Shirley & Banister Public Affairs
Noah Wall
Vice President of Advocacy
Cleta Mitchell, Esq.
Foley & Lardner LLP
Jessica Anderson
Vice President
Heritage Action for America
Myron Ebell
Director, Center for Energy and Environment
Competitive Enterprise Institute
David Bozell
Tom McClusky
March for Life Action
Lisa B. Nelson
Chief Executive Officer
American Legislative Exchange Council
The Honorable Bob McEwen
U.S. House of Representatives
Former Member, Ohio
The Honorable David McIntosh
Club for Growth
Matt Schlapp
American Conservative Union (ACU)
Daniel Schneider
Executive Director
American Conservative Union (ACU)
Jenny Beth Martin
Tea Party Patriots Citizen Fund
The Honorable Becky Norton Dunlop
White House Advisor
President Ronald Reagan (1981-1985)
William L. Walton
CNP Action, Inc.
The Honorable Jim DeMint
Member, South Carolina
United States Senate (2005-2013)
Rachel Bovard
Policy Director
Senate Steering Committee (2014-2015)
Ed Corrigan
Vice Chairman, Conservative Action Project
Executive Director, Senate Steering Committee (2003-2012)
The Honorable T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr.
Chief Domestic Advisor
President Ronald Reagan (1987-1988)
Thomas Fitton
Judicial Watch, Inc.
The Honorable Tony Perkins
President, Family Research Council
President, Council for National Policy
The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell
Constitutional Congress, Inc.
Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin (Ret.)
Executive Vice President
Family Research Council
The Honorable Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II
Senate Conservatives Fund
L. Brent Bozell, III
Founder and President
Media Research Center
The Honorable Hans A. von Spakovsky
Federal Election Commission (2006-2007)
The Honorable Charles J. Cooper
Assistant Attorney General, President Ronald Reagan
Cooper & Kirk PLLC
The Honorable Tom DeLay
Former Majority Leader
US House of Representatives
J. Christian Adams
Public Interest Legal Foundation
Grover Norquist
Americans for Tax Reform
The Honorable Gary L. Bauer
American Values
Floyd Brown
America Fighting Back PAC
Tracie Sharp
President & CEO
State Policy Network
The Honorable Donald Hodel
Secretary of Energy, President Reagan
Secretary of Interior, President Reagan
The Honorable James C. Miller III
Budget Director, President Ronald Reagan, (1985-1988)
Rod D. Martin
Founder and CEO
The Martin Organization, Inc.
Sherri R. Martin
Executive Vice President
The Martin Organization, Inc.
Haley E. Martin
The Martin Foundation
Nicholas Stehle
Campaign for the American Future
Shawn A. Mitchell
Former National Chaplain
National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA)
Jerry Melvin
Former Dean
Florida House of Representatives
Ellen F. Grigsby
Director of Institutional Partnerships
Open Doors USA
Ralph Benko, Esq.
Senior Advisor, Economics
American Principles Project
Melissa Ortiz
Founder and Principal
Able Americans
Phil Kerpen
American Commitment
Kathleen Patten
President and CEO
American Target Advertising
Jenna Ellis
Director of Public Policy
James Dobson Family Institute
Allen Hebert
American-Chinese Fellowship of Houston
Sal Russo
Co-Founder and Chief Strategist
Tea Party Express
Trent England
Executive Vice President
Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs
Steve Berger
Grace Chapel
The Honorable George K. Rasley, Jr.
Managing Editor
Rebekah Gantner
Executive Director
Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund
Ed Martin
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles
Christopher Malagisi
Conservative Book Club Podcast
Roxanne Phillips
Member, Executive Committee
Council for National Policy
Richard H. Wright
AAndrews Consulting
Seton Motley
Less Government
Stuart Epperson, Sr.
Salem Media Group
Jack Park
Conservative Donor and Activist
Dr. Frank Wright
President & CEO
D. James Kennedy Ministries
Ron Robinson
Young America’s Foundation
Kelly Kullberg
America Conservancy
Mark Fitzgibbons
President of Corporate Affairs
American Target Advertising, Inc.
The Honorable Jake Hoffman
President & CEO
Rally Forge
John F. Tate
America’s Liberty PAC
Charlie Copeland
Intercollegiate Studies Institute
C. Preston Noell III
Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.
James L. Martin
60 Plus Association
Bob Carlstrom
The Carlstrom Group, LLC
Saul Anuzis
60 Plus Association
Gary Marx
Madison Strategies
Lew Uhler
National Tax Limitation Committee
Bailey Amaral
The Windrose Project
The Honorable Penny Pullen
Former State Legislator
Illinois General Assembly
The Honorable Michael R. Long
State Chairman
NYS Conservative Party
Jay Mount
MDS Communications Corporation
Amapola Hansberger
Legal Immigrants for America
The Honorable Belden Bell
Co-Chair Legacy Society
The Heritage Society
Richard Manning
Americans for Limited Government
The Honorable Roy S. Moore
President Emeritus
Foundation for Moral Law
Kayla Moore
Foundation for Moral Law
Matthew Tyrmand
Matthew Tyrmand, LLC
Chad Connelly
President and Founder
Faith Wins
Dr. Richard Rounsavelle
Media Research Center
Robert K. Fischer
Meeting Coordinator
Conservatives of Faith
Randy M. Long
Long Business Advisors, LLC
The Honorable Mike Spence
Founding President
Conservative Republicans of California
Benjamin R. Case
Chief Executive Officer
Focused On Fundraising, Inc.
The Honorable Mike Hill
Florida State House, D1
Carolee Adams
Eagle Forum of New Jersey
Thomas Pyle
American Energy Alliance
Elaine Donnelly
Center for Military Readiness
Robert D. Thompson
Former Administrator
The Weyrich Lunch (1999-2016)
Dan Weber
Founder and President
Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC)
Tim Macy
Gun Owners of America
Dr. Jameson Taylor
Vice President for Policy
Mississippi Center for Public Policy
Brett Healy
The John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy
Donald Bryson
President and CEO
Civitas Institute
Jon Pritchett
Mississippi Center for Public Policy
Emily Davenport
Vice President
Pelican Institute for Public Policy
Heather Lauer
Policy Director
People United for Privacy
Paul Gessing
Rio Grande Foundation
Dr. Kevin Roberts
Executive Director
Texas Public Policy Foundation
Victor Riches
President & CEO
Goldwater Institute
Becky Gerritson
Executive Director
Eagle Forum of Alabama
Stella Morabito
L. Jean Lewis Barbara Ledeen
Rabbi Aryeh Spero
Caucus For America
Brigitte Gabriel
Founder & Chairman
ACT For America
Tom McCabe
Freedom Foundation
Willes K. Lee
National Federation of Republican Assemblies
Norman Singleton
Campaign for Liberty
Wayne Hoffman
Idaho Freedom Foundation
Mike Stenhouse
RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity
Rob Chambers
Vice President
AFA Action
Annette Thompson Meeks
Freedom Foundation of Minnesota
Joseph G. Lehman
Mackinac Center for Public Policy
Ron Pearson
Executive Director
Conservative Victory Fund
David Williams
Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Khadine L. Ritter
Eagle Forum of Ohio
William Shaker
Washington Marketing Group
Richard D. Hayes
Hayes, Berry, White & Vanzant, LLP
Mario Navarro da Costa
Director, Washington Bureau
Tradition, Family, Property
Alan P. Dye
Senior Partner
Webster, Chamberlain & Bean
Sean Noble
American Encore
The Honorable Diana Denman
Presidential Appointee
President Reagan Administration
Debbie Georgatos
CWT Publications, LLC
Kevin Freeman
NSIC Institute
Andresen Blom
Hawaiian Values
Joseph A. Morris
Attorney and Partner
Morris & De La Rosa
Charlie Gerow
Vice Chairman
American Conservative Union
Rebecca Hagelin
Council for National Policy
James Clymer
Vice President
Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund
Lee A. Beaman
Beaman Automotive Group
William W. Pascoe, III
Board Member
Tea Party Patriots Action
Peter Thomas
The Conservative Caucus
Melvin Adams
Past President
Curt Levey
Committee for Justice
Judson Phillips
Tea Party Nation
Michelle Easton
Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women
Col. Francis X. De Luca USMC(Ret)
President Emeritus
Civitas Institute
Susan A. Carleson
American Civil Right Union
Mario H. Lopez
Hispanic Leadership Fund
Paavo Ensio
Minerals Group
Ambassador Henry F. Cooper
President Reagan’s Chief Defense and Space Negotiator
Former SDI Director
The Honorable Terrence Scanlon
Retired Chairman and President
Capital Research Center
Brent Mead
Montana Policy Institute
David Bossie
Citizens United
James C. Dobson Ph.D.
Founder & President
James Dobson Family Institute
Kay R. Daly
Coalition for a Fair Judiciary
Anne S. Cori
Eagle Forum
Eunie Smith
Eagle Forum
Adam Kincaid
Executive Director
Fair Lines America
Michael L. Baller
Council for National Policy
Dr. Scott Magill
Executive Director
Veterans in Defense of Liberty

All organizations listed for IDENTIFICATION purposes only.